The deficiency of natural killer cells and/or natural killer T cells as the cause of malignancies in humans

Hirna H.A.

Summary. Deficiencies of natural killer and natural killer T cells — ones of the most common in the human population of primary immunodeficiency diseases that are manifested in the form of recurrent infections caused by low virulent and|or opportunistic intracellular microorganisms and autoimmune, allergic, immunoinflammatory and cancer complications. Malignant tumors are characteristic manifestation of these immunodeficiencies according to important role of killer cells in the implementation of anti-tumor immunity. The article analyzed scientific publications on the problem of cancer manifestations of deficiencies of natural killer cells and natural killer T cells in humans. In the treatment of these immunodeficiency diseases using interferons of different classes, recombinant interleukin-2 and thymosin-alfa1. Immunotropic agent alpha/beta defensins recently demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of deficiency of natural killer cells and natural killer T cells in children and adults in several small controlled clinical trials, and is a promising tool for basic immunotherapy of these imunodeficiencies.
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