Evaluation of cancer care to the population with the use of data of National Cancer Registry of Ukraine

Fedorenko Z.P., Gulak L.O., Michailovich Y.I. , Sumkina O.V., Kutsenko L.B.

Summary. The study of indicators of medical and diagnostic process in administrative territories of Ukraine for various cancer sites and stages has been conducted. It was found that 24.4% of women and 35.3% of men with non-systemic malignant tumors (C00–C75) diagnosed in 2012 received no special treatment. The highest percen­tage of the untreated was in cohort of patients with respiratory cancer (54.9% of women and 51.0% of men) and cancer of the digestive system (46.1% of men and 44.4% of women). Special treatment did not get over a third of patients with cancer of soft and connective tissue (38.1% of men and 36.6% of women), bone and articular cartilage (37.6% of men and 31.3% of women), eye and brain (34.3% of men and 34.9% of women). A high proportion of untreated patients also have a cohort with cancer of urinary organs (26.3% of men and 28.8% women) and genitals (16.0% of women and 22.6% of men). It was found that 16.4–21.6% of patients with visually diagnosed sites of cancer (lip, oral cavity and breast), diagnostics of which were not a problem, did not receive the special treatment either. Such a scrupulous analysis was possible only owing to the personalized database and information technology of National Cancer Registry of Ukraine. The results reflect not only the basic parameters of cancer care to the population, but also characterize the completeness and quality of information about the patients that comes to regional cancer registries. It was also found significant failings in the treatment and diagnostic process in Ukraine, namely the entire discrepancy between the number of cancer patients registered in the early stages of the disease and their coverage by special treatment. High proportion of untreated patients with I–II stages of cancer, which in some territories exceeds 20.0%, may also indicate artificial lowering of the stage in order to improve this rate as it is now a ranking rate for oncology service activity.
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