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Organization of anticancer fight
Tumors of the chest cavity
Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
Tumors of the head and neck
Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy
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Keyword : childhood cancer
Childhood cancer in Ukraine — experience of the application of the ICCC-3 classification
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Gorokh Ye.L. Ryzhov A.Y.... №4(28) 2017
Organization of cancer care for patients with cancers of male genito-urinary organs in Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Y. Gorokh Ye.L.... №3(27) 2017
Evaluation of follow-up rates of patients with cancer of female reproductive organs in Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Y. Gorokh Ye.L.... №2(26) 2017
Evaluation of cancer care to the population with the use of data of National Cancer Registry of Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Michailovich Y.I. Ryzhov A.Y.... №3(19) 2015
Use of population survival rates as evaluation criteria of oncological care to patients with cancer of genitourinary organs
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Y. Gorokh Ye.L.... №3(15) 2014
Survival rate as a measure for evaluation of cancer care for population
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Yu.... №4(12) 2013
Medicobiologic and organizational aspects of mortality from cancer of digestive system in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Yu.... №3(11) 2013
Cancer incidence of digestive system in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Yu.... №2(10) 2013
Characteristics of urogenital cancer incidence dynamics in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Yu. Gorokh Ye.L.... №1(9) 2013
Evaluation of completeness and quality of data about cancer patients registered under follow-up in Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gaysenko A.V. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Yu.... №3 (3) 2011
Comparison characteristics of damage from cancer in urban and rural population of Ukraine
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Fedorenko Z.P. Gaysenko A.V. Gulak L.O.... №1 (1) 2011