Clinical cases of treatment of bone lesions in breast and prostate cancer (radionuclide therapy)

Даниленко В.В. , Сукач Г.Г., Солодянникова О.І., Саган Д.Л.

Summary. Objective. The purpose is to increase the effectiveness of treatment and to determine the place of radionuclide therapy with samarium (153Sm) oxabiphor in the treatment of metastatic bone damage in malignant tumors of different localization. Маterials and methods. The results of treatment of 120 patients with 153Sm oxabiphor with primary tumors of the prostate and breast with metastatic bone damage were analyzed. The observation group consisted of 75 patients with breast cancer and 45 patients with prostate cancer. Results. Prior to the appointment of radionuclide therapy, all patients with breast cancer received chemotherapy treatment, bisphosphonates and hormones. Bone pain decreased under the influence of anticancer drugs, but the degree of reduction of pain syndrome decreased over time. All patients with prostate cancer were experiencing pain syndrome, which required an increase in the number of painkillers. Вefore to radionuclide therapy, all patients received hormonal treatment and concomitant bisphosphonate therapy. The reason for prescribing radionuclide therapy was increasing pain syndrome and increasing the number of painkillers. For the purpose of anesthesia and prevention of fractures and subsequent metastatic progression in the bones, patients were prescribed 153Sm therapy. Diagnostic scanning was performed 3–4 months after treatment with 153Sm. As a result of treatment, the pain syndrome decreased, decreased functional activity of metastatic foci (a lower percentage of accumulation of radiopharmaceutical was observed in 75%, and in 48% of patients a decrease in the number of foci in the bones was observed. Conclusion. It is proved that radionuclide therapy with 153Sm oxabiphor can be used in the complex treatment of metastatic lesions of the skeletal system in malignant tumors of different localization. 153Sm oxabiphor is characterized by a high level of radiopharmaceutical accumulation in the metastatic focus with minimal side effects.

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