The impact of perioperative hemotransfusions on short-term outcomes after surgical treatment of colon cance

Schepotin I.B., Kolesnik E.A., Lukashenko A., Mahmudov D.E., Priymak V.V., Ushakov S.V.

Summary. Perioperative hemotransfusions (PHT) and concurrent anaemia in colon cancer (CC) patients are still a matter of debate regarding short-term treatment results. The aim of this study is to access the impact of anaemia and PHT on short-term outcomes after surgery for CC. Patients with CC, with mild and severe anaemia undergoing curative surgery were included. Study group (SG) were treated within an enhanced recovery program, determining no PHT. Control group (CG) were administered with red blood cells (RBCs) transfusion. Degree of anaemia, hemotransfusion status and their impact on postoperative outcomes were assessed. A total of 280 patients were included; 159 — with mild or severe anaemia, of them 73 SG patients had no PHT and 86 CG patients required RBCs transfusions. No significant difference between age, gender, body mass index, tumor site, stage and extent of surgery were observed. In SG 49 (67%) of patients had mild and 24 (33%) — severe anaemia. In CG — 52 (61%) and 34 (39%) (p=0.236 and 0.172). Fifty (59%) CG patients recieved RBCs transfusion (р
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