Chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity in elderly patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Kriachok I.A., Titorenko I.B.

Summary. After the analysis of incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) was established that one of the increased morbidity peaks occur in age group of 60–80 years old. Taking into account that standard anthracycline-containing regimens have a cardiotoxic action, such treatment can lead to cardiovascular complication in elderly patients. Were analyzed data of treatment of 83 elderly patients with NHL by СНОР and СNОР chemotherapy. It was established that these schemes have comparable efficiency, however, application of СНОР regimen is associated with higher cardiac toxicity. Were analyzed factors affecting to the development of cardiac toxicity during chemotherapy in elderly patients, also was created algorithm for prediction of early and late cardiovascular complications in elderly patients with NHL.
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