Gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases: modern strategies of combined treatment (literature review and results of own research)

Yarema R.1, Ohorchak М.2, Hyrya P.2, Kovalchuk Y.2, Safiyan V.2, Rilinh O.2, Rau В.3

Summary. Gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases remains one of the most difficult problems of clinical oncology to this day. Such patients traditionally show a worse response to palliative chemo/targeted/immune therapy compared to cases of hematogenous or lymphogenous metastasis. The purpose of this study was to analyze current literature data on modern therapeutic strategies for the treatment of such patients, including modern schemes of systemic therapy, palliative and cytoreductive interventions within the concept of conversion surgery, as well as methods of locoregional influence, including the results of own research. A differentiated approach, taking into account the volume of the metastatic lesion, and the segregation of patients with oligometastatic nature of the pathology, make it possible to optimize the combined treatment of patients of this unfavorable category, and to achieve long-term survival in a highly selective group.

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