Author :   Beznosenko A.P.

Local control and risk factors of rectal cancer recurrences
Authors: Kolesnik O.O. Beznosenko A.P. Shudrak A. Mahmudov D.E. №3(19) 2015
Correction of neurological side effects of taxanes by Meditan in patients with breast cancer
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Kolesnik O.O. Grabovyi A.N. Ivankova V.S.... №3(15) 2014
The impact of perioperative hemotransfusions on short-term outcomes after surgical treatment of colon cance
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Kolesnik E.A. Lukashenko A.V. Mahmudov D.E.... №1(13) 2014
The evolution of sphincter-saving surgery in patients with low rectal cancer
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Kolesnik E.A. Priymak V.V. Beznosenko A.P.... №4(12) 2013
Нейроэндокринные опухоли ободочной и прямой кишкиNeuroendocrine colorectal tumors
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Kolesnik E.A. Grabovoy A.N. Priymak V.V.... №3 (3) 2011