Combined effect of the vinorelbine with iron oxide nanoparticles and electromagnetic radiation on the Lewis lung carcinoma

Orel V.Е.1, Sivak L.A.1, Krotevych M.S.1, Dasiukevych O.Y.1, Burlaka A.P., Lukin S.M.2

Summary. Aim. The study of thepossibility to increase the effectiveness of antitumor chemotherapy with vinorelbine during the combined effect of the iron oxide nanoparticles and electromagnetic radiation on the animals with Lewis lung carcinoma. Materials and methods. The study was made on 40 male C57Bl/6 mice with body mass 18–20 g. Fe3O4 (Sigma-Aldrich) nanoparticles with diameter <50 nm and vinorelbine were used as parts of the antitumor drug. The apparatus «Magnetotherm» (Radmir, Ukraine) performed local electromagnetic irradiation (EI) of the tumor. The duration of the EI session was 15 min. Histologic typing of tumors was provided using the routine coloration with hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemical research. To study the redox state of tumors and liver, electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were studied, which were recorded on a computerized spectrometer RE1307. Results. The complex of vinorelbine and nanoparticles with EI had a 16% greater antitumor effect, and up to 3.5 times higher metastatic inhibition index than the officinal drug. The results of histological studies indicate that the effect of officinal vinorelbine induced a tumors necrosis increase by 34% in comparison with the control group. The combined effect of vinorelbine with nanoparticles increased necrosis of the Lewis lung carcinoma to 44% in comparison with the control group. Conclusions. The combined effect of vinorelbine with nanoparticles and local electromagnetic radiation on the Lewis lung carcinoma initiated a higher tumor growth inhibition, a metastatic inhibition index and necrosis with a mild expression of tubulin beta than the officinal vinorelbine. Hepatotoxic effects in combined therapy were less pronounced than under the influence of officinal vinorelbine.
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