Evaluation of bone mineral component in children with acute leukemia depending on cortisol level

Summary. Aim of the study consists of investigation of the excretion of calcium pyrophosphates in urine and bone density in patients with acute leukemia (AL) in the initial period of the disease depends on the serum cortisol level and course of the disease. In 69 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 14 children with acute myeloid leukemia we studied the urine excretion of calcium salts (pyrophosphate, dihydrogen phosphate, dihydrogen phosphate tetrahydrate) bone density, serum cortisol level, disease clinincal course. In patients with AL urinary calcium excretion was higher, especially calcium dihydrogen phosphate tetrahydrate, compared with healthy children. In patients with acute myeloid leukemia calcium dihydrogen phosphate and calcium dihydrogen phosphate tetrahydrate in urine were higher compared with children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Unfavorable course of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia observed at elevated urinary excretion of calcium dihydrotetrahydrate. Reduced serum cortisol level in patients (<200 nmol/l) accompanied by increased excretion of calcium pyrophosphate and low bone density. The effect of serum cortisol on the mineral component of bone, type and solubility of calcium phosphate, bone density and disease clinincal course of AL in child­ren, indicating the need for treatment and prevention in patients with changes in the structure of bones and endocrine status.
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