Mitotic activity and nucleic acids content in the cells’ nuclei of neuroblastomas

Grabovoy A.N., Zareckij M.B., Perepelkina I.V. , Vasylyshin O.I.

Summary. The anaplasia grades’ growth in neuroblastoma is attended by a decrease in the average DNA content and increased proliferative activity. However, a wide variation range in the ganglioneuroma and neuroblastoma don’t allow (except in some cases) to use it as an independent criterion for determining the malignant potential of a particular individual tumor. Ganglioneuroblastoma and neuroblastoma can be distinguished with their cellular spectrum, due to a decrease or, conversely, increase the mitotic activity by increasing the DNA content in tumor cells. On the other hand, neuroblastoma can be divided into those that increase in the average DNA content in the cell nuclei, due to high proliferation activity (large proportion of cells in which DNA synthesis occurs) and those in which this component increased, due to an increase the cells proportion in the cellular spectrum with high DNA content (polyploid).
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