Content of nucleic acids in nuclei of neuroblastoma cells with various differentiation degrees

Grabovoy A.N., Zareckij M.B., Vasylyshin O.I.

Summary. In neuroblastoma with increasing of de-differentiation, reduction of the average DNA content in cancer cells has occurred; the cell range has shifted to a cells with low DNA content of the nucleus what leads to decreasing of level of tumor cellular heterogeneity. Increasing of RNA content in neuroblastomas polyploid nucleus suggests about certain degree of the functional activity preserving of the genome; it can be used as an indirect indicator of cell viability and selection of their morphological and functional types which are able, to some extent, to differentiate. Based on the availability of a direct dependence between the content of DNA in the nuclei of cells of neuroblastoma and nucleus’ size, kariometric values may be used to indirectly determine the ploidy of the cells without using of complex staining techniques, and that will enhance the objectivity and reliability of tumors’ assessment in routine histopathological practice.
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