Institution :   Nonprofit Organization National Cancer Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

Primary cutaneous t-cell lymphomas: classification, diagnosis, treatment (literature review)
Authors: Kryachok I.A. Aleksyk O.M. Tytorenko I.B. Т. 13, № 2 (50)
A case of metachromic and synchronous secondary melanoma of the skin
Authors: Korovin S.I. Dyedkov S.A. Ostafiichuk V.V. Kolmykova A.V. Т. 13, № 2 (50)
The course features of HER2/neu-low breast cancer
Authors: Bondar M.V. Syvak L.A. Tarasenko T.Ye. Martynyuk O.M.... Т. 13, № 2 (50)
Metastatic bone lesions: molecular mechanisms as new avenues of therapeutic influence. Literature review
Authors: Solodyannуkova O.I. Bankovska N.V. Shypko A.F. Danylenko V.V.... Т. 13, № 1 (49)