The influence of allelic polymorphism of the gene CCR5 on the course of locally advanced breast cancer

Sivak L.A., Verevkina N., Gorovenko N.G. , Lyalkin S., Rossokha Z.I. , Popova O.F.

Summary. Currently, in terms of breast cancer (BC) research the most relevant are studies that focused on identifying the reasons why certain subtypes it may or may not induce antitumor immune response and how systemic therapy influences tumor microenvironment. CCR5 (CC chemokine receptor 5) is an adhesion receptor located on T-cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, protein encoded by the corresponding gene. In the process of carcinogenesis oncogenic transformation of cells induces the expression of CCR5 in many tumor types such as melanoma, stomach and colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and BC. CCR5/CCL5 axis supports breast malignancy by changing the equilibrium between leukocytes infiltrates in tumors, leading to dominance of cells with tumor-promoting rather than tumor killing activities. In our research, we studied association of gene polymorphism CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5 (del32)) with the nature of the immune infiltration in tumor tissue and its impact on the effectiveness of the perioperative chemotherapy in the patients with locally advanced BC. The obtained results indicate the feasibility of further study of the CCR5 gene polymorphism in BC.
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