The nucleic acid content in the cell nuclei of urothelial bladder cancer

Grabovoy A.N.1, Velikoshapko S.D.2

Summary. Inurothelial bladder cancer (UBC) with a decrease of grade increases the average DNA content in the cells nuclei. However, tumors of varying anaplasia grades are di- and polyploid, suggesting different pathogenetic mechanisms of their development and making improper use of this index as an independent criterion for verifying the grade and prognosis. However, the DNA content of cell nuclei and cellular structure may be an important component in the properties of multifactorial assessment and prognosis in UBC. Size mismatch of UBC cell nuclei and their DNA content, as well as a decrease in the relative RNA content in the UBC cell nuclei may act as indirect indicators of the tumor cells viability and release of the morphological and functional types that are capable of further development. The direct relationship between the nucleic acids content in the UBC cell’s nucleus and its size makes it possible to use this indicator for the indirect determination of cells ploidyon routine studies, without complicated staining method sand equipment.
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