Institution :   Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) in combined treatment of ovarian cancer patients
Authors: Yarema R.R. Fetsych Т.G. Volodko N.A. Ohorchak М.А.... №4(28) 2017
Pseudomyxoma peritonei: incurable casuistic pathology or need for proactive tactic of combined treatment?
Authors: Yarema R.R. Moran B. Cecil T. Fetsych Т.G.... №3(27) 2017
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of luteinizing hormone — releasing hormone analogues use in prostate cancer patients (2016)
Authors: Education Postgraduate of Academy Medical National Shupyk University P.L. Medical National Lviv Halytsky Danylo Kyiv №1(21) 2016
Informativeness of computed tomography in diagnosis of peritoneal carcinomatosis in patients with ovarian cancer
Authors: Fetsych M.T. Volodko N.A. Mylyan Y.P. Yarema R.R.... №4(20) 2015
The use of the diffusion-weighted MRI in the diagnostics of the solid renal neoplasms
Authors: Mytsyk Yu.O. Dutka I.Yu. Borys Yu.B. Komnatska I.M.... №1(17) 2015
D2 lymph node dissection: on the way to implementation in European population of patients with gastric cancer (review)
Authors: Yarema R.R. Manzoni de D. Fetsych Т.G. Ohorchak М.А. №1(17) 2015
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of anticancer drugs use for prostate cancer treatment
Authors: Education Postgraduate of Academy Medical National Shupyk University P.L. Medical National Lviv Halytsky Danylo Kyiv №3(15) 2014
The surgical treatment for the thyroid cancer
Authors: Sternyuk Y.M. Protsyk V. Halay O.O. Duda O.R. №2(10) 2013
комбинированная спинально-эпидуральная анестезия, общая анестезияLimphadenectomy and its efficacy during radical nephrectomy in patients with renal cell carcinoma
Authors: Kowalskyy V.V. Fetsych Т.G. Diychuc Y.P. Kalmuk B.Z.... №3 (3) 2011