The role of alteration of p53/MDM2 pathway regulation in neuroblastoma progression

Khranovska N.M., Inomistova M.V. , Svеrgun N.N., Skachkova O.V., Klymnyuk G.I.

Summary. Neuroblastoma (NB) is malignant neoplasm of the sympathetic nervous system, characterized by significant clinical heterogeneity. Despite the existence of well-established prognostic factors of NB, finding of new and more specific genetic markers remains relevant. Nowadays, the role of p53/MDM2 signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of NB is actively investigated. As is known, inactivation of p53 promotes tumor progression and proliferation of cells with different genetic anomalies. TP53 gene usually remains unmodified in NB but the function of p53 can be suppressed by altering its regulators activity. Investigation of genetic and epigenetic regulation mechanisms of p53/MDM2 pathway gives the possibility of creating target therapy for p53 reactivation, that is a promising approach to treatment of patients with NB.
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